Salaried people will be able to save up to Rs 1,14,400 in income tax thanks to the new income tax bands that are envisaged under the new tax regime in Budget 2025. The income tax savings are based on the assumption that, under the new tax regime, an individual is only claiming a standard deduction of Rs 75,000. By claiming a deduction on his employer's National Pension System (NPS) payment, a salaried individual can save more money on taxes.
The proposed increased income tax slabs under the new tax regime will result in additional tax savings for salaried employees, according to this EY analysis. Under the new tax system, it is presumed that he or she will claim a standard deduction of Rs 75,000.
Gross taxable income |
Current income tax payable |
Proposed income tax payable |
Income tax saved after Budget 2025 |
Rs 12,75,000 |
Rs 83,200 |
0 |
Rs 83,200 |
Rs 15,00,000 |
Rs 1,30,000 |
Rs 97,500 |
Rs 32,500 |
Rs 16,00,000 |
Rs 1,53,400 |
Rs 1,13,100 |
Rs 40,300 |
Rs 20,00,000 |
Rs 2,78,200 |
Rs 1,92,400 |
Rs 85,800 |
Rs 24,75,000 |
Rs 4,26,400 |
Rs 3,12,000 |
Rs 1,14,400 |
Rs 25,00,000 |
Rs 4,34,200 |
Rs 3,19,800 |
Rs 1,14,400 |
Budget 2025 has made significant changes to income tax slabs under the new tax regime while keeping the tax slabs unchanged in the old tax regime. This demonstrates that the government wants to encourage wider adoption of the new tax regime to ease the burden on both the taxpayers and the income tax authorities. The proposed changes will provide much needed tax relief to the lower and middle income bracket taxpayers. Now a salaried taxpayer whose net taxable income is Rs 12 lakh will pay NIL tax due to the enhanced tax rebate proposed in the Budget 2025. Even those taxpayers who fall in 30% tax bracket will now save taxes of Rs.1,14,400 (including cess) due to recalibration of the income tax slabs. For FY 2023-24, about 72% of the taxpayers opted for new tax regime. With the proposed changes in Budget 2025, it is expected that even a higher percentage of individual taxpayers will opt for new tax regime going forward."
Income Tax Calculator for 2025-26
opting for old tax regime
Gross taxable income |
Income tax payable under old tax
regime |
Proposed income tax under new tax
regime |
Deductions to pay same tax in both
tax regimes |
Rs 12,75,000 |
Nil |
Nil |
Rs 7,75,000 |
Rs 15,00,000 |
Rs 97,500 |
Rs 97,500 |
Rs 5,93,750 |
Rs 16,00,000 |
Rs 1,13,100 |
Rs 1,13,100 |
Rs 6,18,750 |
Rs 20,00,000 |
Rs 1,92,400 |
Rs 1,92,400 |
Rs 7,58,333 |
Rs 24,75,000 |
Rs 3,12,000 |
Rs 3,12,000 |
Rs 8,50,000 |
Rs 25,00,000 |
Rs 3,19,800 |
Rs 3,19,800 |
Rs 8,50,000 |
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