Core committee of award
staff unions and IBA under the chairmanship of G Rajkiran Rai MD,Union Bank of India concluded today on 18.08.18 at IBA hall Mumbai.
Details of the issues
agreed :-
* Revised DA Formula and improvements in
compensation against price rise:--- UFBU will submit a details note.
* Regarding HRA reimbursement:----On producing
rent receipt which will come under load factor.
* Increase in Transport Allowance:-–- Substantial
* Leave matters
- CL no increase.
- PL:--- Other than LFC 10
days notice required.
- SL:--- Over 30yrs 30
days per yr maxm 720days.
- Sick leave may be
granted to women employees to look after sickness of a child below 8yrs.Over
and above maternity leave another 2months to be given to cover cases of
hysterectomy wherein maternity leave is already exhausted.
- Paternity leave will be
granted for child adoption.
- Extraordinary leave will
be permitted up to 120 days.It is agreed to give detailed notes on Leave
* Improvement in LFC
- For clerical
4400/2200kms actual travel.
- For Substaff
5100/2550kms actual travel.Road mileage charges 8/- kms in place of 6/-kms.
- Sight seeing and local
charges will be paid by the Bank within overall limit.GST will also be
reimbursed.Train fare of Rajdhani n Shatabdi will be reimbursed.
* DA link
- Service charges livied
on employees under NPS will be borne by the Bank.
* Dependent Income
- It is agreed to Rs
12000/-in place of Rs.10000/
* Improvement in other
- Substantial increase
(around 15%)in cycle washing and other allowances.
* New Allowance
- Lodging allowance in
which amount will cover later.
* Deployment
- It is agreed for Rs
600pm. In other like subatical leave , Gratuity ,Annual Medical ,Pension
,Family pension will be discussed in main negotiating committee.
- Some of the issues like
5days banking ,PH issues ,All area allowances, Absorption of temperorary
workers will follow govt guidelines.
Next full negotiating
committee will meet on 14th Sept 2018 .
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