Some ideas have long legs – they refuse to die, or fade out. The idea of merging Public Sector Banks (PSBs) is one such idea in realm of economic policymaking – it has been around for a long time, debated at the highest levels, often posited as a panacea for various policy objectives (from creation of “world class Indian banks” to resolution of the current NPA issue). It is generally an idea with very variable merits, which is why its never really taken off. But it resurrects like a phoenix every now and then, as it did recently with the news of the merger of four PSB – Bank of Baroda, Punjab National Bank, IDBI Bank and Oriental Bank of Commerce – creating India’s second largest bank, with assets of Rs 16.5 trillion. Consolidating four loss-making banks into one would make it easier to tackle the NPA and governance issues in these institutions.
It is useful to test out the hypothesis, ie, bigger banks would be better, against available data. In India, PSB consolidation was first mooted by the Narasimhan Committee in 1991, in the first flush of liberalisation. Since then, there has been one-and-a-half live cases of consolidation of PSB. The outcomes have not been encouraging.
The first such exercise was the takeover of the distressed New Bank of India (NBI) by Punjab National Bank (PNB) in 1993. It was an involuntary exercise, driven by RBI to rescue NBI. PNB was a solid bank then with a long trackrecord of profitability, and many times larger than NBI in terms of assets and employees. Post-merger, PNB recorded its first loss (of Rs 96 crore) in 1996, and remained embroiled in employee issues for a very long time. Despite the fact that NBI was a “digestible” target for PNB, and the latter took many years before attaining equilibrium.
The second was gradual merger of all Associate Banks (AB) of SBI with the parent institution, culminating in the last tranche of the remaining five ABs with SBI in March 2017. This is termed as “half ” a merger, because for many critical purposes (like treasury operations, banking systems etc) the AB were largely under the operating control of SBI for a long time. While the jury is still out on the outcome of this merger, what is illustrative is that the combined losses of all the five ABs wiped out the net profit of SBI for 2016-17.
At a balance sheet level, with gross NPA of 20 per cent, the ABs significantly worsened SBI’s asset quality. How SBI digests this acquisition will give us more data on how mergers of PSB could pan out. Admittedly, past evidence on the outcomes from PSB consolidation are from a very thin sample – not enough to draw definitive conclusions from. Hence, let us look at the rationale, and test them against global evidence.
First, capital adequacy. Merging stressed, weaker banks with larger, stronger banks will enable effective management of NPA and allow for greater credit availability. Unfortunately, this is a complete red herring – PSB as a category are short of equity capital by an estimated Rs 2.5-3.5 lakh crores. There isn’t a single bank, not even the giant SBI, that has the kind of spare balance sheet capital to make even a small dent in the capital requirement of the category as a whole.
Second, economies of scale. Larger banks derive efficiencies of scale, reduce risk and improve returns. Global experience militates against this hypothesis though. In 2011, Harry Huizinga of Tilburg University and Asli Demirguc-Kunt of the World Bank evaluated a sample of banks from 80 countries from 1991 to 2009 – they looked at the impact of size – absolute size (in terms of size of balance sheet) and systemic size (ratio of balance sheet to national GDP), and their impact on risk and return profiles of banks. The results were interesting — banks with larger absolute size achieved higher return on assets (RoA). However, this came at a cost of higher bank riskiness. Absolute size thus implied a trade-off between risk and return. Systemically larger banks on average have lower RoA, but no discernible impact on bank riskiness. Systemic size is thus a liability, lowering RoA without an offsetting reduction in risk. In a nutshell therefore, merging PSB wont have any obvious benefits on either risks or returns. Rather, in case we end up creating “4 or 5 world-sized banks” (as is often stated), we would end up creating 4 or 5 systemically large banks that would make the banking system more vulnerable, while making lesser returns.
From a technology perspective too, the assumption of larger being better stands on tenuous grounds. A study by Dean Amel et al in the ‘Journal of Banking and Finance’, in 2004, showed that the tipping point for banks in North America was $50 billion, beyond which there were negative impact of larger size on operating costs.
Third, larger sized banks are required to meet the requirements of larger projects in a growing economy. This is another misplaced hypothesis. At the core of risk management is diversification, risks of larger projects should be ideally spread across multiple institutions rather than being with one (or few). At a conceptual level, highest risk exposures (especially in large projects) should be diversified away to non-banking pools of capital – like PE funds, Mutual Funds, Overseas pension funds etc.
The biggest challenge confronted by regulators globally since the financial crisis in 2008 has been the issue of Too Big To Fail (TBTF) banks. Regulatory action since then has been focused towards ensuring that banks do not reach TBTF levels, and the ones that are already there are regulated tightly. In India, we have been incredibly fortunate in not having a very concentrated banking system. Any effort to shoehorn consolidation of PSB merely reverses this welcome feature, without any mitigating benefits – either in terms of conceptual objectives, or in terms of past experience (in India or abroad).
Source- Economic Times
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